Work packages

Work Package 1

Fast pyrolysis and hydrogenolysis of plastic wastes towards crude oil

The main target of WP1 is the conversion of plastic wastes via fast pyrolysis and hydrogenolysis to crude oil with tuned composition and properties, that will be achieved via study and optimization of the process parameters and the catalysts utilized, in relation to the characteristics of the polymers/plastics used as feedstock.

Work Package 3

Final products characterization and quality control

The aim of this work package is to benchmark the Plastic2Fuels products against conventional crude oil-based marine fuels and evaluate them (neat product and blends) in terms of norms conformity and emissions.

Work Package 5

Project Management

The overall project management actions are incorporated in this WP, including technical and financial-related aspects and general activities.

Work Package 2

Py-oil upgrading towards marine fuels

CERTH will work on the production of renewable marine fuels via catalytic hydrotreatment of the py-oil derived from plastic waste (TRL 3/5).

Work Package 4

Sustainability Assessment

The main target of Work Package 4 is to assess the sustainability of the project’s chain in the comprehensive manner, under an environmental viewpoint, entailing the analysis of techno-economic aspects, as well. The final environmental assessment aims at quantifying in environmental terms the CO2 emissions of the considered plastic waste valorization pathway.

Work Package 6

Dissemination and Communication Management

This WP encompasses all activities related to the conventional and electronic dissemination of the project outputs.
